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Six ways to make noncash donations

For questions about any of these giving options, contact 

Habitat for Humanity - Powhatan's EIN is 54-2018476

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Give from your Donor-Advised Fund

Donor-Advised Funds (DAFs) are investment accounts for the sole purpose of supporting charitable organizations. Talk to your financial advisor about establishing one.

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Save on taxes by donating stocks

Donating stocks allows you to avoid capital gains tax and often take a charitable deduction for the full value of the asset. Donate stock so we can track your gift, send you the correct receipt, and you can get the tax savings you deserve. We have a Fidelity account into which your broker can transfer your gift.

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Property through bargain sale

A “bargain sale” is selling a property to Habitat for less than market value. While you will be taxed on the gain, you may, however, ask for a real estate donation tax deduction, which is the difference between the property’s market value, and the seeling price.

Female Developers

Give from your IRA

If you are 70.5 or older, giving from your IRA can help reduce your taxable income — and for those over 73 who must take a Required Minimum Distribution (RMD), an IRA gift is a simple way to fulfill it! 

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Donate your car or truck

Through Habitat’s Cars for Homes program, your donated vehicle or truck can directly benefit Powhatan residents.


Property through direct gift

Opt for donating real estate and be eligible for a real estate donation tax deduction equal to the

fair market share of your property. That deduction may be carried forward for five years, and you avoid the capital gains tax. Please consult your financial advisor first.

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